Assessor of Property |
Michelle Campbell |
931-359-3238 |
michelle.campbell@cot.tn.gov |
Circuit Court Clerk |
Courtney Boatright |
931-359-0536 |
courtney.boatright@tncourts.gov |
County Clerk |
Daphne Fagan-Girts |
931-359-1072 |
daphne.fagan-girts@tn.gov |
County Mayor |
Joe Boyd Liggett |
931-359-1279 |
jbl@marshallcountytn.gov |
Register of Deeds |
Dorris Wayne Weaver |
931-359-4933 |
dwweaver@marshallcountytn.com |
Road Superintendent |
Jerry Williams |
931-359-4031 |
mchwy@tnweb.com |
Sheriff |
Norma W. Dalton |
359-6122 |
n.Dalton@marshalltn.com |
Trustee |
Marilyn Ervin |
359-4800 |
marilyn.ervin@marshallcountytn.com |
Appointed Officials |
Administrator of Election |
Jo Ann Henry |
359-4894 |
mcec@bellsouth.net |
Ambulance Serv. Director |
James Whorley |
359-6132 |
whorley5@yahoo.com |
Board of Public Utilities |
Tommy Whaley |
359-6905 |
marshallcounty@bellsouth.net |
Codes Department |
Donald C. Nelson |
359-0567 |
don.nelson@marshallcountytn.com |
County Attorney |
William Haywood |
270-8669 |
Director of Accounts |
Freda Terry |
359-2300 |
mcbuddirector@marshallcountytn.com |
Director of Schools |
Roy D. Dukes |
359-1581 |
dukes@k12tn.net |
Emergency Mgnt. Agency |
Bob Hopkins |
359-5810 |
mcem@bellsouth.net |
Environmental Coordinator |
Morgan Thomas |
359-0547 |
recycleman@marshallcountyrecycle.com |
Extension Agent |
Rick Skillington |
359-1929 |
rskillin@utk.edu |
JECDB Director |
Mike Wiles |
359-5536 |
Mike.wiles@marshallcountytn.com |
Veteran's Serv. Director |
Billy Hill |
359-5482 |
mcvso@bellsouth.net |
Youth Sevices Officer |
Elizabeth Osborne |
359-4823 |
e.Osborne@marshalltn.com |
Zoning Official |
Don Nelson |
359-0567 |
dnelson@marshallcountytn.com |
Circuit Court Judge |
Robert Crigler |
270-6014 |
General Sessions Judge |
Steve Bowden |
359-1277 |
Court Clerk |
Elinor Foster |
359-1312 |
Juvenile Judge |
Steve Bowden |
359-1277 |
Civil Judge |
Lee Russell |
684-3836 |
Juvenile Services Officer |
Elizabeth Osborne |
359-4823 |
Chancellor |
J.B. Cox |
359-2181 |
Clerk and Master |
Tommy Higdon |
359-2181 |
thmashigon@hotmail.com |
Dean Delk |
District 1 |
364-7074 |
delkd@k12tn.net |
Michael P Waggoner |
District 1 |
364-2771 |
Rocky Bowden |
District 2 |
359-4751 |
2522 Hwy. 64, Lewiburg |
Ernest W. Hill |
District 2 |
364-7062 |
ewhill@marshallcountystone.com |
Anna M Childress |
District 3 |
359-3918 |
Barry W. Spivey |
District 3 |
270-7674 |
Mickey King |
District 4 |
293-2250 |
dking @tnweb.com |
Kevin D Vanhooser |
District 4 |
293-2568 |
3237 London Road Cornersville, TN |
Jeffrey K Taylor |
District 5 |
359-0485 |
harrisj24@k12tn.net |
Don C. Ledford |
District 5 |
359-3310 |
dledford@ourcoop.com |
John H Christmas |
District 6 |
359-7782 |
913 Summerset Circle Lewisburg. TN |
Sheldon T Davis |
District 6 |
359-7779 |
C Reynelle Smith |
District 7 |
359-5417 |
708 Crick Street, Lewisburg |
Seth A. Warf |
District 7 |
359-5127 |
1395 Verona Caney Road, Lewisburg |
Phil Willis |
District 8 |
359-1351 |
1265 Cochran Cemetery rd ,Lewisburg |
John Richard Hill, Jr |
District 8 |
359-5888 |
Nathan U Johnson |
District 9 |
359-4983 |
Thomas B Sumners |
District 9 |
359-2165 |
960 Fairlane Drive Lewisburg, TN |
Dean Delk |
District 1 |
364-7074 |
210 Maple ST, Chapel Hill |
John H Christmas |
District 6 |
359-7782 |
913 Summerset Circle Lewisburg. TN |
Ernest W. Hill |
District 2 |
364-7062 |
4079 Carson Court, Chaple Hill |
Kevin D Vanhooser |
District 4 |
293-2568 |
3237 London Road Cornersville, TN |